Alejandra Jones

Ceramist, based in Buenos Aires - Argentina

Ceramista, establecida en Buenos Aires - Argentina

Most of the current work is conceptual and several series are quite minimalist. Something that has caught my attention from the beginning is the material, how it reacts in different situations and what I can do with it, what can I say through it.

I used black, white, and smoky color in primary shapes and figures for a while. As the time went by, I began to incorporate ovoid figures because they remind me of something vital. I also use them as a base where I add shapes made in other techniques. My interest in that is in the dialogue between them because through the different reaction of the material new meanings emerge.

In recent years and driven by my interest in that, I have been working on the issue of migration and identity. I found the figure of a foot as an icon that, from my point of view, represents this theme the better. 

I am currently working on multi-foot installations, and in some cases I use the same foot repeated several times and in others they are different.

Mi trabajo en general es conceptual y en muchas series casi minimalista. Desde un principio me interesó especialmente la materia y su comportamiento y lo que a través de esos soportes podría transmitir.

Por mucho tiempo solo utilicé para mis obras los blancos, los negros y ahumados sobre formas escultóricas muy primarias.

Luego incorpore las formas ovoides ya que me remiten a lo vital y que puedo utilizar como soporte para numerosas técnicas que generan a su vez discursos bien diversos  

En los últimos años, preocupada por el tema de las migraciones y la identidad incorpore como soporte zapatos o pequeños piecitos que generalmente conforman instalaciones que expresan esa temática. 


Alejandra Jones was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1951 where she currently lives and works.

She is a member of the International Academy of Ceramics – IAC, Geneva, Switzerland.

She has been invited to participate in residencies and symposia in India, China and Spain.

She has won several international awards in Argentina and China.

Her works of art belong to museums in Faenza, Italy – Aukland, New Zealand – Sargadelos, Spain – Cairo, Egypt – Jingdezhen, China – Buenos Aires, Argentina


Nace en Buenos Aires, Argentina en 1951 donde vive y trabaja.

Es Miembro de la Academia Internacional de Cerámica AIC-IAC Ginebra, Suiza.

Realiza  residencias y simposios como invitada en India, China y España 

Recibe premios, entre ellos : 

1° premio I Salón Nacional de Pequeño Formato “Antonio Rizzo” 2017 Tandil, BsAs.2017 

Gran Premio de Honor 55° Salón Anual Centro Argentino de Arte Cerámico 2014. 

Mención China Kaolin Grand Prix of the International Ceramic Art 2011.

1º Premio adquisición XCVII Salón Nacional de Artes Visuales /cerámica 2008 

1º Premio adquisición 13º Salón Nacional de Cerámica de Rosario 

Tiene Obras en Museos de Faenza, Italia – Auckland, Nueva Zelanda – Sargadelos, España – 

El Cairo. Egipto – Jingdezhen, China – Palais de Glace, Argentina